Scouting in Denmark patch
How to qualify
The "Scouting in Denmark" patch is for scouts who've been to Denmark on a scouting trip. That's all there is to it - going to Denmark as a scout.
What's on the patch
The patch shows two very Danish things: Our national flag Dannebrog, and a slice of layer cake (traditional Danish birthday cake).
Legend holds that during the Battle of Lyndanisse on 15 June 1219, in the Danes' hour of need, the Dannebrog fell from the sky and gave them renewed hope. Dannebrog holds the Guinness world record of being the oldest continuously used national flag, that is since 1625.
Story behind the patch
During our summercamp in 2024, we passed out this "Spejder på din fødselsdag" (Going to Scout activities on your birthday) patches to some international scouts, celebrating their birthday at the scountcentre we were at.
During the explanation to them, we relized that the patch could also be used as a "I went to Denmark scouting" patch, as the flag end the layercake (traditional danish birthday cake) pretty much encompassed Denmark.
Green or blue uniform?
In Denmark the scouts mainly use blue and green uniforms. So this patch was made in two different colours - to make sure that it fits all.
Make sure to note which version you want when ordering.
How to order
The patch is round, and 42 mm in diameter. It's an The motif is embroidered.
The price of the patch is 20 DKK per patch. Plus 34 DKK in shipping within Denmark. Shipping outside Denmark, we'll handle on a case to case basis.
The patch can be orderes with our patch-scout Pierre Husted Sigvardsen at pierre@sigvardsen.dk
Once you've sent a mail with your order, please transfer the money to our MobilePay box at: 4648GR. Once we've gotten the money, we'll send the patches to you.
If you've not got access to the MobilePay app, let us know. Then we'll figure out a different way for you to pay.
Our other Patches
See also our RolleSpejd patches (Roleplaying/LARP combined with scouting) and Brætspiller patch (boardgamer).